Lexico-Semantic and Communicative-Pragmatic Peculiarities of Sensory Vocabulary (Based on Video Reviews of Dishes and Food by English-Speaking Vloggers)


  • V. V. Holovenko


gender category; metaphor; occasionalism; evaluation; perceptual process; pragmatics; sensory vocabulary; YouTube discourse


The Master’s research paper is devoted to the study of lexical-semantic and pragmatic features of sensory vocabulary in English within conversational video blog discourse.
The object of the research is the sensory vocabulary in the English language. The empiric material includes 458 units of sensory vocabulary (1423 word tokens), selected by the method of continuous sampling from the video reviews of Ukrainian dishes and food products by English-speaking YouTube bloggers. The main methods and techniques of the research include the method of continuous sampling, methods of definitional, componential, contextual and pragmatic analysis, descriptive method, discourse analysis method and elements of quantitative calculations.





Спеціалізація 035.041 Германські мови та літератури (2021-2022 н.р.)