Peculiarities of formation and realization of the concept of reengineering of business processes at the communal enterprise (on the example of KP "Ternopilkomuninvest")


  • G.M. Lesna


business process; reengineering; modeling; concept; financial and economic condition


The qualification work formulates the basics of building business processes in enterprises in terms of their essence, formalization and optimization; the essence of the concept of reengineering as a form of improvement and construction of business processes is revealed; the analysis of factors of influence on procedures of reengineering of business processes in a cut of stages of a life cycle of the enterprise is carried out; the general characteristic of a financial and economic condition of KP "Ternopilkomuninvest" is given; the financial results of activity of the enterprise and the factor analysis of the profit received by it are analyzed; the analysis of indicators of liquidity and financial stability of the enterprise is carried out; the calculation of the efficiency of the investment project for the development and implementation of software at the enterprise KP "Ternopilkomuninvest"; the algorithm of formation of the concept of reengineering of business processes on KP "Ternopilkomuninvest" is developed; modeling of reengineering of business processes of providing services of KP "Ternopilkomuninvest" in various modeling notations was carried out; the state of labor protection at the enterprise is analyzed; the peculiarities of the implementation of the Waste Management Strategy in Ukraine are generalized.





Спеціальність 051 Економіка, ОП «Економіка підприємства» (2021-2022 н.р.)