Profit management of the enterprise (on the example of PE "Agrofirma "Dzherelo")


  • I.A. Stashko


management; profit; management; enterprise; forecasting; economic mechanism


The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical, methodological and practical recommendations for improving the enterprise profit management system as a component of financial management.
The scientific novelty of this work is to improve the system of profit management of the enterprise, determine the influence of motivational factors on the level of enterprise profit, improve the mechanism of formation and use of profit, development of measures for automation and forecasting of enterprise profit. The practical value of the work is to improve the mechanism of formation and distribution of financial results. It is proposed to unite them into several groups, taking into account internal and external relations within the financial mechanism and profit management system at PE "Firma Dzherelo".





Спеціальність 051 Економіка, ОП «Економіка підприємства» (2021-2022 н.р.)