Accounting reporting as a component of the information system of the enterprise


  • N. Shymko


reporting; accounting; information support; enterprise activity; users of reporting information; management; management efficiency; management decisions; analysis; evaluation


In the qualification work the economic essence of accounting reporting is revealed, its role in information support of stakeholders of the enterprise is defined, components of the accounting reporting and their normative-legal regulation are considered. The method of compiling certain forms of financial, tax, statistical, special reporting of the organization is studied, the algorithm of formation of the administrative reporting is presented. The method of analysis of the enterprise based on the use of its reporting data is reflected. The financial and economic condition of the enterprise is analyzed, recommendations on improvement of its accounting reporting for qualitative satisfaction of information needs of the management are developed.





Спеціальність 071 Облік і оподаткування (2021-2022 н.р.)