The interaction of cobalt cations with orthotungstate anions at Z=1,00.


  • V. Diubanov


pH-potentiometric titration, mathematical modeling, Pitzer method, paratungstate B - anion, Cobalt (II), isopolytungstate


In the master`s work the interactions in aqueous solution of the system Co2+–WO42–– H+(Z = 1,00) – H2O are studied by pH-potentiometric titration method, the mathematical modeling is done in the program CLINP 2.1. The model, which consist ion pairs [Cо2+, W12O40 (OH) 2] 8- [Co2+, HW12O40 (OH) 2] 7- , [Co2+, H2W12O40 (OH) 2] 6-, [Co2+, H3W12O40 (OH) 2] 6-, is selected as an experiment adequate one. The concentration constants logarithms of the anions formation, which are obtained by the modeling, are used to calculate the thermodynamic constants logarithms by the Pitzer method. The sodium-cobalt double paratungstate B Na4Co3[W12O40 (OH) 2]·24,5H2O is obtained by the acidity Z = 1,00. The single phase and the composition of the salt are studied by methods of chemical analysis and scanning electron microscopy. The presence of paratungstate B-anion in the salt composition is shown by IR spectroscopy method.



Спеціальність 102 Хімія (2019-2020 н.р.)