Institute of local elections.


  • Yu. Kizyan


institute of elections; local elections; organization and holding of local elections; financial and logistical support of local elections; registration of candidates for local self-government bodies; pre-election campaigning; voting; establishment of local election results


The paper clarifies the concept of local elections and identifies their types and features. The legal basis of elections to local self-government bodies is analyzed. The financial and organizational and legal support of local elections is described. The conditions and procedure for registration of candidates for deputies of local councils and for the position of village, settlement, city mayor have been studied. Campaigning is described as one of the stages of local elections. The peculiarities of voting and establishing the results of local elections have been clarified.
Proposals for improving the legislation on local elections have been developed.





Спеціальність 081 Право (2020-2021 н.р.)