Constitutional and legal regulation of ensuring the rights of patients.


  • T. Komar


patient; patients' rights; health care; ensuring patients' rights; guarantees of realization of patients' rights; ways to protect patients' rights; responsibility for violation of patients' rights


The concept of "patients rights" and their types are specified in the work. International legal standards in the field of patients' rights and their implementation at the domestic level are identified. The constitutional bases of patients' rights and their development in the current legislation are analyzed. Guarantees for the realization of patients' rights have been clarified. Methods of protecting patients' rights are described. The responsibility for violation of patients' rights is investigated. Areas for improving the legislation on patients' rights have been identified, taking into account the experience of EU countries.
Proposals have been developed to improve the legislation on patients' rights, taking into account the experience of EU countries.





Спеціальність 081 Право (2020-2021 н.р.)