Inchoative Verbs in the English and Ukrainian.


  • O. V. Voitovska


inchoativity; verb; semantics; word-building; syntheticity; analyticalness


The thesis is devoted to the study of inchoative verbs in the English and Ukrainian languages at the level of semantics and structure.
The empiric material of the research includes inchoative verbs, selected by the method of continuous sampling from English and Ukrainian dictionaries. The sample size comprises 550 lexical items (230 in English and 320 in Ukrainian).
Various language means ‒ lexical, word-building, syntactic ‒ take part in actualization of the meaning of originality in English. Inchoative verbs denote the initial action, which is expressed at the semantic level, and can also form their initial meaning with the help of postpositions in English and prefixes in Ukrainian. Also, inchoative verbs in the two studied languages have a number of iso- and allomorphic features, which were identified by distinguishing inhoative verbs by analytical and synthetic means of expression of the dominant seven inchoativity. Since English refers to languages with an analytical structure, analytical means of expressing inchoativity are characterized by a higher level of productivity than synthetic ones. In turn, the Ukrainian language, which belongs to the synthetic languages, demonstrates a significant advantage of synthetic means of expression of inchoativity over analytical ones.





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