Functional and Pragmatic Aspects of Phraseological Units Denoting Negative Human Emotions in Different Linguocultural Spaces (British and Ukrainian).


  • Yu. G. Kostiuk


negative emotions; functional-pragmatic aspects; concept; phraseological unit; semantics


The Master’s research paper is devoted to the analysis of functional-pragmatic aspects of phraseological units that denote negative human emotions in the British and Ukrainian linguistic and cultural spaces at the level of semantics. The paper considers verbal and nonverbal means of expressing negative emotions in phraseological units as the implementation of pragmatic categories.
The empiric material of the research includes English and Ukrainian phraseological units that denote negative human emotions, selected by continuous sampling from monolingual dictionaries of English and Ukrainian. The sample size comprises 641 phraseological units (293 in English and 348 in Ukrainian).
The Master’s research proposes the author’s division of emotions into negative / binary (positive or negative depending on the context, situation, etc.) and includes the following emotions: anger, grief, shock (binary), fear, despair, shame, disgust, agitation (binary) and offence.
The analysis of the studied units showed that there are both similar and distinctive features in the semantic organization of phraseological units formed in the British and Ukrainian linguocular environments. The differences are due to the peculiarities of the national culture of the speakers of the studied languages, which prove the fact that different ethnic groups use different components, which laid the basis for the pragmatic meaning of phraseological units.





Спеціалізація 035.041 Германські мови та літератури (2020-2021 н.р.)