Structural and semantic features of nouns denotingcosmetics in German and Ukrainian (based on women's magazines).


  • I.O. Shtyfanenko


noun; cosmetics; word formation; compounding; semantics


The Master’s research paper is devoted to the study the features of German and Ukrainian nouns to denote cosmetics and cosmetology at the level of their structure and semantics. The research material contains German and Ukrainian nouns for cosmetology, selected by a method of continuous sampling from German-and Ukrainian-language women's magazines. The sample size is 593 lexical units.
Comparison of structural and semantic of lexical units to denote cosmetics and cosmetology yin modern German and Ukrainian languages allows tracing the process of their development, identifying and identifying the maint rends in the process of the irformation. An attempt made in the proposed work to describe the methods of word formation revealed that the leading ways of forming nouns of the domain «Cosmetics and Cosmetology» are compoundingin German and affixation in Ukrainian languages. Loan words play a significant role in enriching the vocabulary of this terminological system in the compared languages. Semantic analysis of the research body made it possible to identify the affiliation of the lexical units to certain semantic groups.





Спеціалізація 035.043 Германські мови та літератури (2020-2021 н.р.)