Technology of political influence on the electorate in social networks.


  • M.O. Kapustian


political technologies; social networks; political bots; botnet detection


The peculiarities of the influence of subjects and other actors of the political process on the electorate in the context of formation of a new network communicative space are analyzed in the work. A comprehensive methodology was applied using interdisciplinary approaches to the study of this phenomenon (sociology, political science, linguistics, boxes and analysis of big data, machine learning, etc.). This has led to the use of a number of general and special methods used in political science, while other basic approaches - system, structural and functional and network theories.
Modern theoretical concepts of political influence on elements in social networks are researched and systematized. The peculiarities of the reactionary activity of the audience of each political party on the basis of publications, likes and comments are analyzed. The main directions of studying social bots in political communications are determined. The degree of activity of bots during the presidential elections of 2019 and the previous city elections of 2020 in Ukraine is highlighted.
The results obtained during the study can use the methodological basis for identifying political bots, emphasizing the prospects of combined methods of technical and social sciences.





Спеціальність 052 Політологія (2020-2021 н.р.)