Improvement of the company personnel adaptation system.


  • V. Omelianchuk


personnel adaptation; professional adaptation; social adaptation; personnel adaptation system; personnel management


The theoretical and socio-economic essence of the process of personnel adaptation is determined in the work. Methods and modern approaches to the organization of the process of adaptation of employees in the company are studied. Types and tools of adaptation are generalized.
Indicators and indicators of staff adaptation efficiency are analyzed. The organizational shortcomings of the process of personnel adaptation on the example of a specific enterprise are identified. A sociological study was conducted to assess the system of staff adaptation.
Proposals have been developed for: formation of an effective program of personnel adaptation in the company; introduction of a mentoring system; improving the organizational and documentary support of the process of staff adaptation





Спец. 051 «Економіка». ОП «Управління персоналом та економіка праці» (2020-2021 н.р.)