Improving mechanisms of intracorporate piar while innovative changes.


  • D.V. Formaniuk


internal corporate PR; communications; corporate culture; mechanisms of internal corporate PR; innovations; HR-brand; questionnaires for personnel


In the qualification (master’s) work the development of internal corporate PR and its role in improving the corporate culture at the enterprise is investigated. Particular attention is paid to approaches to measuring the effectiveness of internal corporate PR, which performs the task of identifying and stabilizing any standard and non-standard situation in the organization.
The first section of the work highlights the theoretical and conceptual foundations of the formation of internal corporate PR of the organization.
The second section assesses staff development, studies its organizational structure and staff composition and human resources management system.
Based on the analysis, the third section identifies approaches to measuring the effectiveness of internal corporate PR and highlights ways to improve it.





Спец. 051 «Економіка». ОП «Управління персоналом та економіка праці» (2020-2021 н.р.)